A new memorial to The 97

In the National Memorial Arboretum

We are excited to announce that our application to install a memorial in The National Memorial Arboretum was approved in December 2023. We are now raising funds to pay for this new memorial. All donations are welcome. We are using the facilities of the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) to process electronic payments.

Donations can be made by using this button to link to the CAF website.

Details of the New Memorial

Designed by 
Kindersley Workshop

This is the design for the new memorial. Two stones of green slate with riven back and smooth front. The taller stone standing approximately six feet high.

To donate to the appeal for this memorial please use this button which links to the CAF website.

The Memorial at Norwich Cathedral

This is the memorial we successfully installed in the grounds of Norwich Cathedral in July 2021.

The Memorial Appeal was formed at a public meeting in Norwich in November 2018. The memorial at Norwich Cathedral was designed by Kindersley Workshop in Cambridge, and installed by Hibbitts of Cambridge. We intend to use the same team for the memorial in The National Memorial Arboretum.

Gallery: the memorial at Norwich Cathedral

These photos show the design, installation and dedication of the memorial at Norwich Cathedral in 2021.

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